Horeca Sector is known as food service industry that distribute products for food and beverages. In addition to that, the term of horeca refers to Hotel/Restaurant/Catering as telling the first two letters of words. Originally, word of horeca comes from languages of Dutch. The Dutch Uniforme Voorwaarden means that Uniform Conditions for Hotel and Catering Industry. Also, horeca refers to hospitality industry but hospitality industry is used more broadly. It consists of hotels and food service.

Horeca Sector

Horeca Sector

History Of Hospitality Industry

Hospitality Industry firstly occurred in 15,000 BCE in France with social cohesion of tribes in Lascaux caves. Although Greek and Roman had started to spend time in spas, first two hotels in history are registered at traditional buildings in Japan which were called Ryokans in the Silk Road. The term inns were first started to be used thanks to the new law of registration of hotels in England around 1600s. Inns are defined as paved construction of houses registered in England. Thanks to the Industrial revolution, many hotels have been built in America and Europe. In New York, there were many changes that occurred. It was the first time to supply electricity to all rooms, carrying guests’ luggage in The Holt Hotel. Furthermore, there were rooms with private bathrooms in The New York Hotel.

Hospitality Industry

Hospitality Industry

Technological Advancements Of Hospitality Industry

In the 2000s, technological advancements played an important role in the hospitality industry. Tech Titan, Google helps to increase traffic rate of internet and it resulted in gaining new customers for many hotels. Thanks to enhancement of Google, many hotels started to create their own websites. and get digital payment on their websites. Visitors had a chance to review hotels quality as reviewing comments and starts in Expedia, Booking and TripAdvisor. Thanks to AI technologies in UnPromise, potential clients easily find our firm. www.unipromise.com is shown in search engines in first pages with visual contents, detailed products information and so on.